“To Infinity and Beyond”

As we approach the New Year, I want to get some input from all of you on the trajectory we should take in the League.

1) We have all levels of competitors. How do we allow them to compete successfully and contribute more fully to their team? Do we have separate courses/leagues for them? Do we handicap scores in some way?

2) Do we decrease the number of courses/leagues? Or change the course dimensions to reflect the current clubs?

3) Do we want to have a separate league for games and one (or more) for standard/jumpers type courses? Or alternate from month to month?

4) Do we want a separate Teacup league for the smaller dogs? Small dogs would not be required to run these courses. It would just be an option for those clubs who have TDAA equipment. (We probably will anyway since I host TDAA trials and could use the courses for serial trials.)

5) Should we apply a handicap to dogs of different heights? (We do this in TDAA tournaments)

6) Should we divide the year up somewhat differently since a few clubs switch leagues during the year due to weather? This switch puts them at a disadvantage for yearly placements.

7) Are there any obstacles we do not want to use in the different leagues or substitutions that can be made if a club does not have a particular obstacle? I do not plan on using the table in any league course unless it is for a game to start or stop time. There is too much variability in how we count that 5 seconds, and times are too close to allow that much variability.

You can comment below, email, or PM me your thoughts. pagc.live@gmail.com

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